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DR-2C concrete fast freeze-thaw chamber

  • DR-2C concrete fast freeze-thaw chamber
    Concrete fast freeze thaw test box is applicable to test concrete capability with high forst resistance and the repeated interaction between water and negative temperature in accordance with dynamic-elast


    DR-2C concrete fast freeze-thaw chamber

    Concrete fast freeze thaw test box is applicable to test concrete capability with high forst resistance and the repeated interaction between water and negative temperature in accordance with dynamic-elastic module, quality loss rate and relative durability
    Technical parameters:
    Power: 380V(three-phase four-wire)
    Cooling power: 2.6kw
    Heating power: 6KW
    Freeze-thaw test solution:anti-freezing solution-45℃(additional purchased)
    Quantity of test block: 10 pieces
    Central freeze-thaw temperature: 5~-18±2℃
    Temperature difference control of the test block: <28℃
    Duration of freeze-thaw circulation: 2-5 hours/time
    Times of freeze-thaw circulations: 0-300 times
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