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WKZ sliding pin type dynamic detector system

  • WKZ sliding pin type dynamic detector system
    The WKZ type dynamic probe is a sliding pin structure with dimensions conforming to national standards. It features a lightweight lifter, a short and flexible elastic hammer, accurate drop distance and reliabl


    WKZ sliding pin type dynamic detector system
    The WKZ type dynamic probe is a sliding pin structure with dimensions conforming to national standards. It features a lightweight lifter, a short and flexible elastic hammer, accurate drop distance and reliable results.
    Specification type Hammer mass Falling distance Touch probe diameter
    Light weight 10kg 50cm Φ40mm
    Medium 28kg 80cm Φ74mm
    Heavy 63.5kg 76cm Φ74mm
    Super heavy 120kg 100cm Φ74mm
    The WKZ-type cone-shaped dynamic detector has been used for many years and is not only easy to use, flexible and reliable, but also safe and durable.
    The WKZ63.5 heavy-duty dynamic probe can be used for standard, touch probe test and counter hammer.
    GZ type standard penetration device, length 70cm, outer diameter 51mm, inner diameter 35mm, two-piece groove in the middle split tube, easy to use and accurate
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    Copyright:Beijing SAMYON Instruments Co., LTD | Record number:京ICP备15014698号-1