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SY-2806E asphalt softening point tester

  • SY-2806E Automatic asphalt softening point tester is designed according to GB/T4507, ASTMD36, T0606-2000 Standard test method for softening point of bitumen(ring and ball apparatus) ,used ​​for determining the temperature of asphalt soften and fall of 25


    SY-2806E Automatic asphalt softening point tester is designed according to GB/T4507, ASTMD36, T0606-2000 Standard test method for softening point of bitumen(ring and ball apparatus) ,used ​​for determining the temperature of asphalt soften and fall of 25mm under the requirement conditions.

    Technical Parameter:
    Temperature measurement accuracy 0.1
    Time accuracy  1S
    Temperature range 5  -90 (E); 80  -150 (F)
    Time range 0-99mim 99S
    Heating speed 5.0  / min ± 0.5
    Sinking distance 25.4mm
    Ball diameter 9.53mm
    Ball weight 3.5 ± 0.05g
    computer-controlled heating speed, data detection, magnetic mixing
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