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Strain Controlled Unconfining Compression Test Apparatus

  • Application:
    The Apparatus is used to test the pressure value to be borne of soft and cohesive soil specimen with bigger saturation state under the axial pressure without any limit of the sides till its damage so as to obtain unconfined compression stren


    YYW-2 Strain Controlled Unconfining Compression Test Apparatus 

    The Apparatus is used to test the pressure value to be borne of soft and cohesive soil specimen with bigger saturation state under the axial pressure without any limit of the sides till its damage so as to obtain unconfined compression strength.

    1. Max. capacity: 0.6kN
    2. Dimension of specimen: Ø39.1 x 80mm
    3. Speed of platen rising: 2.4mm/min.
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    Copyright:Beijing SAMYON Instruments Co., LTD | Record number:京ICP备15014698号-1