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TZY-1 Civil Engineering Synthetic Material Test Apparatus

  • Application:
    The Apparatus is used to test mechanics performance and interaction between soil and fabric of civil engineering synthetic materials.

    1. Specimen size: 5cm, 20cm ( large, medium and small size )
    2. Friction test: 20 x 20


    TZY-1 Civil Engineering Synthetic Material Test Apparatus

    The Apparatus is used to test mechanics performance and interaction between soil and fabric of civil engineering synthetic materials.

    1. Specimen size: 5cm, 20cm ( large, medium and small size )
    2. Friction test: 20 x 20cm2 10 x 10cm2
    3. Vertical load: medium and small size : 10kN±1.5%
    large size: 20kN±1.5%
    4. Horizontal load: max. thrust: 10kN
    max. shear displacement: 10cm
    5. Vertical elongation: max. tension force: 15kN
    max. tesion displacement: 10cm
    6. Measuring system: vertical load: 
    Vertical load: readings by pressure transducer ±1.5% 
    Thrust and press stress: readings by pressure transducer ±1%FS 
    Shear displacement: readings by displacement transducer ±1%FS
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