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LWD Series Marshall Stability Tester

  • Application:
    The Marshall Stability Tester is used for determining thermal stability of bituminous mix material and capability of resistance to plastic deformation and flow value of the material as well as providing accurate basis for the composition of


    LWD Series Marshall Stability Tester

    The Marshall Stability Tester is used for determining thermal stability of bituminous mix material and capability of resistance to plastic deformation and flow value of the material as well as providing accurate basis for the composition of bituminous mix material. The tester has load and deformation transducer as well as digital load and flow indicator, It can automatically increase load and print out loading peak value and flow value、automatically draw the relationship curve between the load and deformation、automatically change the load. It is suitable for traffic engineering, university and research institute to make experiment use.

    1. Capacity : 30kN
    2. Proving ring: 30kN
    3. Pressure ring accuracy : 0.01kN
    4. Loading head: R50.8mm
    5. Micrometer : division 0.01cm
    6. Mold : Ø101.6 x 87.0mm
    7. Specimen : Ø101.3 x 63.5mm
    8. Load transducer accuracy : 1%
    9. Displacement transducer accuracy: 1%
    10. Data acquisition cycle : 5 times per second
    Model Load test Flow test Auto degree Allocation Remarks
    LDW -1 Proving ring Micrometer Hand operation   Notice proving ring’s readings carefully
    LDW –2 Load transducer Displacement transducer Digital display load increasement Digital display indicator Adjust zero carefully
    LDW -3 Load transducer Displacement transducer Auto load increasement Auto printing out Auto discharge load Digital display Indicator Printer Automatically eliminate zero error
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