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The pore water pressure static probe

  • The pore water pressure static probe is a sensor for measuring pore water pressure on conventional single-bridge and double-bridge static probe. It can measure the pore water pressure at the same time as Cc.ts. When the penetration is stopped, the excess


    The pore water pressure static probe

    The pore water pressure static probe is a sensor for measuring pore water pressure on conventional single-bridge and double-bridge static probe. It can measure the pore water pressure at the same time as Cc.ts. When the penetration is stopped, the excess pore water pressure ^ u can also be measured to dissipate until the excess pore water pressure dissipates to a stable static pore pressure. Kongpai water pressure is a function of strength and deformation of soil and drainage performance.

    The WJUT pore pressure static probe manufactured by our company has passed provincial technical appraisal and is a product to fill the technical gap in China. After years of production practice, the performances of pore pressure probe are constantly improving. Recently, the R&D center of the company has cooperated with the Geotechnical Research Institute of Southeast University, and will further expand the advantages of domestic pore pressure static probe by referring to advanced pore pressure static exploration instruments abroad.
    Static pore pressure test can distinguish drainage, partial drainage and undrained penetration conditions.
    The sensitivity of pore pressure measurement is high, and it can distinguish the change of soil properties in 1-2 cm thin soil layer, which greatly improves the ability of distinguishing soil types and dividing soil layers.
    The effect of modified pore pressure on qc.fs (or Ps) can not be ignored for soft clay.
    The static water pressure in soil at different depths can be measured.
    Estimate the permeability parameters and consolidation coefficients of soils.
    Estimate the static lateral pressure coefficient Ko.
    Stress history of soil can be assessed (over consolidation ratio OCR).
    It has potential advantages in evaluating liquefaction potential of sand and clay.
    Measuring pore pressure makes it possible to carry out effective stress analysis.

    Types of pore pressure static probe: principle of resistance strain gauge for force and pressure sensors
    Technical specifications of probe force transducer (qc.fs or P) are the same as those of WKT single-bridge and double-bridge transducers.
    Measuring range of pore pressure probe sensor: 0~2MPa
    The measurement accuracy of pore pressure sensor is less than 0.5% S for linearity, hysteresis, repeatability and zero return.
    Temperature zero drift is not more than 0.5% F.S/10 "C"
    Bridge resistance 3502, bridge resistance insulation greater than 500 MQ.
    Waterproof performance under 2 MPa water pressure, pressure-holding 12 h probe bridge insulation not less than 300 MQ.
    When the sensors in the probe work, the mutual interference is less than 0.3% F.S.
    Permeable filter is installed on the cylinder with equal diameter at the tip of probe cone. The lower surface of pervious filter is less than 3 mm in height with the cylinder with equal diameter at the tip of cone.
    Permeable filters are made of bronze powder with sufficient stiffness and strength, and the permeability coefficient is in the range of 1-3x10-6cm/s.
    The strain rate of the probe cavity is less than 0.1% when the pore pressure test is completed.
    Temperature range of pore pressure sensor: - 10 C ~ 45 C
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